Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering Open Access Open journal (ECEOAOJ) is an online peer-reviewed international journal. It aims to promote research in all areas of electronics & communication engineering. ECEOAOJ publishes Review/Research articles that contribute new theoretical and practical results in all areas of Electronics Engineering, Communication Networks, and Information Technologies.
It aims to promote the integration of computer engineering and electronics engineering. The focus is to publish papers on state-of-the-art computer and electronics engineering.
- network theory and circuit design
- information theory, communication theory and techniques, modulation, source, and channel coding
- switching theory and techniques, communication protocols
- optical communications
- microwave theory and techniques, radar, sonar
- antennas, wave propagation
- Measurement and instrumentation; circuit design, simulation, and CAD
- Signal and image processing, coding; microwaves, antennas, and radio propagation
- Optoelectronics; TV and sound broadcasting; telecommunication networks; radio and satellite communications; radar, sonar, and navigation systems; electromagnetic compatibility.
- signal and system theory, digital signal processing