S Open Access Open Journals Publishing SOAOJ with its Open Access theme has taken an exciting initiative called Membership for its authors. All the articles published in our journals are peer-reviewed and freely accessed online. However, to meet all the above publishing costs, authors are requested to pay minimal Article Processing Charges (APC) to maintain our stability.
Therefore, to reduce the publication costs for our authors, we have introduced a variety of membership plans like:
• Individual Membership
• Student Membership
• University/ Institutional Membership
• Organizational Membership
SOAOJ Membership Plans |
Half Yearly
1 Year
2 Years
Individual Membership |
USD 2000
USD 3600
USD 6120
Student Membership |
USD 1400
USD 2520
USD 4284
University / Institutional Membership |
USD 3500
USD 6300
USD 10710
Organization Membership |
USD 4800
USD 8640
USD 14688