Veterinary Open Access Open Journal is an online scientific journal helping to provide the latest developments in the field of veterinary science. This open-access peer-review journal provides a unique platform to collect and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific understanding of veterinary and related disciplines.
The main objective of the journal is to maintain and develop science and related research at an international level. To achieve this, it is important to bring into light disseminate outstanding research and development results to the world instantaneously in the domain of veterinary science. The journal aims to collect precise data in the fields of animal behavior, animal diseases, animal nutrition, animal pathology, immunology, etc., Veterinary Open Access Open Journal is a scientific journal that covers high-quality manuscripts that are both relevant and applicable to the broad field of applied life sciences.
This journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports, short communication, mini-review, letter to the editor, conference proceedings, opinion articles, editorials, etc., we welcome the scientific community people to contribute without any limitations on the related topics.
We welcome the authors to submit their manuscript at contact@soaoj.com or send us an email attachment to the Editorial office at contact@soaoj.com
Please do contact us for any additional information at contact@soaoj.com