Editorial Board-Biomedical and Case Reports

Dr. Muhammad Ujudud MUSA
Consultant Urologic Surgeon
Federal Medical Centre, Katsina
Katsina State, Nigeria

Dr. Daniel Martinez-Ramirez
Professor and Researcher
Neurology – Movement Disorders
San Pedro Garza García, NL 66220

Dr. Muhammad Akram
Associate Professor
Chairperson, Department of Eastern Medicine
Directorate of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences
Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan

Lori Burkow-Heikkinen
American College of Sports Medicine
International Dance and Exercise Association
White Lake, MI 48386, USA

Dr. Anubhav Chauhan
Senior Resident
Department of Ophthalmology
Dr Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Medical College
Nahan, Himachal Pradesh, India

Dr. Subhas Singh
Reader and HoD
Organon of Medicine
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata

Dr. Aamir Al Mosawi
Advisor doctor
Department of Pediatrics/Psychiatry
Children Teaching Hospital
Baghdad Medical City, Iraq

Dr. Akmal Nabil Ahmad El-Mazny
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University

Dr. Vivek R Joshi
Associate Professor
University of Pikeville
Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine (KYCOM)
Kentucky College of Optometry (KYCO)
Pikeville, KY 41501, USA